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To Whom it May not Concern

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    To Whom it May not Concern

    To Whom it May not Concern
    Am getting old here in USA. for the years I lived here I saw a lot of things, good things and bad things. I saw people respect each others and others don't. Life here is very simple and complicated at the same time. I feel I'm lost and don't know what's right and wrong but what I really know is life is even worst there in KSA. You would ask me Why? I have no exact answer. All I know is I forgot how to be a Saudi and I couldn't be American. I've visited Saudia 4 months ago and saw things never thought I would see in Saudi Arabia. People have been changed. a lot of stress is being happening. no body respects no body. even Salam Aleikom you barely hear it and when you say it no body responds if he doesn't know you. I don't feel secure if I go out specially if I'm driving because one of three things might happen to me; die in accident, got beaten up from one of the jobless teenagers or get a ticket for a violation I didn't do. Also the same could happen if I'm taking a taxi but two individuals will be beating up, me and the taxi driver. One of my old friends invited me to his apartment, and he served me alcohol and ten minutes later two girls showed up. I almost had a heart attack, I heard some stuffs about these things but never believed it. Of course I ran away without doing any things or drinking any things. I went to the mall one time only and I saw a lot of dirty girls. People, what happened to our country??? I can not imagine what might happen after 10 years! Where is Alhaiah?? what are they doing?
    Please for give me for saying the truth but this truth need to be changed or you will be changed

    لكل زمان ومكان تغيرات ممكن تطرأ عليه

    لكن انا اتوقع انك بالغت بعض الشي

    فمهما سمعنا وتردد على مسامعنا الا ان المملكه مازالت وستظل من اطهر بقاع الارض
    وليس من المنطق بانك تصدر احكام لمجرد مواقف مررت به

    لاتعلم ما الاسباب ولا الظروف ولا المسببات التي كانت تحيط بهذا الموقف

    وبما انك كنت بامريكا المفروض تعرف وتيقن مساحة الفرق الشاسعه بين هتان الدولتان
    ولكن للسف انت نظرت الى هذا الفرق بمنظار ضيق ومن جهة مظلمة خاطئه

    انا لا اوافقك الريء


      وانا كذلك لا اوافقك الرأي 0
      يبدوا بانك قد تأثرت بثقافه الغرب , ولكن ما نريده منك ومن جميع المبتعثين ان تظهروا بالصورة الحسنه التي تشرف مجتمعنا العربي 00
      عسى الله يردك لاهلك سالمآ غانمآ 000


        [LEFT]You are 100% right

        ksa looking islamic AND most saudi's only acting as muslim
        without applaying islam instructions
        "Makkah is the beast place and having the worest people"
        it's an old say but can be genralized to all ksa cities


          I think you say the truth but you can not say this things about all peaples of saudi arabia at least there are alot of saudies who recpect each ather and you shoud be optimistic person about the future . last but not the least i hope you will back to your country and i think you are going to do some things to change this bad habits >>>>>>>>>>>>thank you


            got beaten up from one of the jobless teenagers

            sorry dude but this is really funny
            actuallu I don’t agree with you but I believe that all the changes you saw because you’ve growen up and you aren’t teenager any more
            what im trying to say is that the one who changed , and even me ive ghanged a lot
            you’ve ghanged the way that you look to things, you are getting old mate

            I remember when we were at the high school I did more than what the teenagers nowadays do.
            So we shouldn’t blaim them or blaiming our self it just the HUMAN NATURE

            By the way good luck with your studies

